Development Process

Central Permitting Division

All land-use application processing and permit issuance is handled by Isle of Wight County’s Central Permitting Division. The County’s offices of Planning and Zoning, Inspections and Engineering are all located in the same building. A streamlined review process with designated timelines depending on permit type has been developed to ensure requests get processed as quickly as possible. To start the review process, applications and the accompanying documents can now be submitted via email to

If you have any questions regarding the permitting process, or what needs a permit, please email Central Permitting at or call 757-365-6211.

Pre-Application Meetings

Prior to submitting any applications for development, it is recommended that applicants and/or their design engineer schedule a pre-application meeting to review the proposed project and discuss any questions the applicant may have.  All reviewing agencies attend pre-application meetings to answer questions and provide informal feedback.  Meetings are held the second Wednesday of each month via Zoom with one-hour appointments beginning at 9:00 a.m.  Economic Development staff coordinates the meetings.  Call 757-365-6249 or email for more information or to schedule an appointment.